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Artist John Lavery 1883…

25 Jul

At Langside

Mary, Queen of Scots at Langside.

Mary Queen of Scots Rosneath

Dawn after the Battle of Langside 14th May 1586.

Mary, Queen of Scots sheltering under the Yew trees at Rosneath. Did she ever visit Rosneath?


My Mother’s last scent…

9 Feb

My Mother's last scent...I salvaged this Crabtree & Evelyn oily body spray from my dear departed Mother’s things, and am enchanted…Today I ordered a room spray from CRABTREE & EVELYN’s web site, free postage for Saint Valentine’s Day…the day I was Christened in Glasgow Cathedral 1960.
My dear sister bought me their Evelyn Rose hand & body cream and it is intoxicating…


Gasgow Cathedral

My Mother x


Baby McPhee, Was that you?

7 Feb

Baby McPhee, is that you?

I remember her standing in our hall at Oak Bank…her hair middle parted and twisted behind; Tartan shawl with new born babe enclosed snugly warm.
She was Mrs McPhee of Scottish Tinker stock, a regular visitor with Black Tent beyond Fort Road  Kilcreggan and always came to see my mother.
Oh to hear from Mr McPhee of Glasgow, now in his 50’s, who wrote a Blog and a wonderful poem about his dear departed mother…was that She & He?

One of my earliest memories as a child. Said Mr McPhee is blind now, so perhaps I will never hear back from my little request on his blog…I am intrigued.