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A Silver Lining To Every Storm…

16 May

Day by Day the Farm Girl Way...

When Oklahoma gets severe weather, it is often predicted a few days beforehand.  The local weather folks had warned us earlier in the week, that the dry line would set up in our area of the state, giving us some pretty fair chances of volatile weather.  I had planned to spend some time this afternoon, preparing for the weather that would surely arrive by early evening.  I wanted to be certain my plants were protected from hail, and make sure to put the vehicles, and anything else I could stash, in our storage building for safe cover.

IMG_6849My first duty of the day was to fix a hearty breakfast.  I do not usually indulge in a filling morning meal, but the instructions on the medication I was taking the past two days, required the tablets to be taken with food. For over a week, I had suffered with poison ivy…

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